Betonthebay 22nd April 2015

So, the car is officially in it's new home in Hillard, Ohio with Bridget and Jim Busic. Bridget called to tell me that they arrived safely and the car was AWESOME, getting 23 miles to the gallon on the highway. Hmmm, maybe I sold the wrong car? Anyway, they are thrilled to have it and are planning a trip to Georgia to visit their daughter. All this took place on the 11th (your B-day date) of April, 2015. Bridget wondered about the new license plate and what meaning it might have. Well, their plate is: GLU 3654. Ok, here it is....God Loves You, (GLU) 3+6=9 5+4=9. You were 99 yrs. old when you left this earth. Wow, I truly believe that those who pass on send us signs to let us know they are still with us. You did good, B! Thanks for the messages, and my new friends, Jim and Bridget. Mu-wah .... Big kiss!!!